La Vie Privee

I often find myself away from the boulevard, with only my thoughts and memories for companions. Within this silence, in the midst of these memories, I write of love.

My Photo
Location: Along the boulevard of earthly delights, France

A gentleman of leisurely pursuits lounging beside the boulevard of life, lost in his own reveries and observing others pursue their dreams or flee their nightmares.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

You Can Never Really Know

You can never really know.
You can never really know for sure.

One day you find yourself standing in line to be the prime minister,
The next day you're serving coffee off an alleyway in Marrakech.

And can you really, truly say "I saw it coming all along.
I saw all along that it would turn out like this."


One day you will be still and wonder,
"How did this happen? How did I get here?"

The plans don't quite pan out.
The hopes belong to yesterday.

Because you can never really know.
You can never really know for sure


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